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Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile


The web-based ISAAP Tool is one way to help ensure that each student receives the accessibility resources necessary to provide fair and valid testing. It can be used to identify accessibility resources for the assessments that are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). The ISAAP Tool will not change a student’s test settings; rather, it can generate a file to be uploaded to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) external icon that will assign test settings for students prior to testing. The ISAAP Tool should be used in conjunction with the California Assessment Accessibility Resources Matrix available on the CA Assessment Accessibility Resources Matrix external icon web page.

Refer to the About ISAAP web page to learn more about the ISAAP process. The CAASPP Accessibility Resources external icon and ELPAC Accessibility Resources external icon web pages provide more information about accessibility resources for students.

Some available accessibility resources include a link to a video that contains a demonstration of the resource. Most videos are available in English and Spanish. Additionally, the CAASPP Accessibility Resources Demonstration Videos external icon and ELPAC Accessibility Resources Demonstration Videos external icon web pages contain links to all the available video demonstrations of embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.